The Behavioral Economics Group
The Behavioral Economics Group is the LinkedIn network associated with The group connects academia, business and the public sector by bringing together people with a shared interest in behavioral science, particularly the influence of cognitive, emotional and social factors on decision making.
The BE Group was established in May, 2008, and now has more than 80,000 members.

Top Industries
Financial Services: 11%
Research: 10%
Marketing and Advertising: 9%
Management Consulting: 7%
Higher Education: 7%
Market Research: 3%
Top Locations
London, UK: 10%
Greater New York: 5%
San Francisco Bay Area: 3%
Washington DC: 2%
Greater Chicago: 2%
Greater Boston: 2%
Top Job Functions
Research: 17%
Education: 7%
Consulting: 6%
Sales: 6%
Finance: 4%
Business Development: 4%