behavioral science

Flipping the Switch: How Embracing Cognitive Scarcity Can Brighten Energy Poverty

Energy poverty traps vulnerable households in a cycle of financial strain and limited decision-making, often exacerbated by cognitive scarcity. Behavioral insights offer transformative approaches to energy policies, simplifying access to aid and reducing mental burdens. Using Cyprus as a case study, practical, low-cost solutions like framing strategies, reducing hassle factors, and leveraging social norms emerge as key strategies. Aligning policy design with human behavior can promote equitable participation and a greener future.

Different Dinners: Unlocking Behavioural Insights for a Sustainable Food Future

In 2022, Auckland Council undertook an innovative research project utilising behavioural insights, which was designed to support Auckland households to make more sustainable and climate friendly food choices, i.e., to eat less meat. This ‘Different Dinners’ project is part of a broader programme of work looking at how Auckland Council can respond to its commitments to address climate change. The results were positive and demonstrate that Aucklanders are both willing to and did make changes to their diets. All interventions tested resulted in increased climate-friendly food choices.

Are Our Own Behavioral Biases Biasing Us Against Behavioral Science?

There have been a lot of juicy headlines in behavioral science around replicability and the falsification of data. I can’t help but wonder whether these spotlights are distracting (read: biasing) us from the potential and existing contributions of the field as a whole. Perceptions of behavioral science are just as vulnerable to our perceptions and biases. Is it possible that the field is suffering from the effects of its own contributions? 

How to Not Get Nudged

Nudging and manipulation in modern society, driven by advancements in technology and behavioral sciences, are pervasive. However, there are ways for individuals to resist and develop immunity to these persuasion tactics. By being forewarned, recognizing manipulation attempts, and undergoing debiasing interventions, individuals can better protect themselves. Additionally, they can avoid vulnerable moments, utilize avoidant resistance, and listen to their intuition. While escaping all influences is impossible, individuals can still choose their influencers and free their minds from undue manipulation.

How to Position Your Brand: The Behavioral Science Behind Relative Differentiation

The debate between differentiation and distinctiveness in brand positioning is a false dichotomy. While distinctiveness is more important for a brand, differentiation can also be used to your advantage. Understanding your brand positioning relative to competitors is a valuable strategic tool that can help your brand consistency in your tactical efforts. In this article, I discuss how you can build and measure the values that differentiate your brand.

Make or Break: The Behavioral Science of Innovation

Successful innovation requires far more than a market gap, a visionary, funding, and new technology. Innovation is a behavioral process from start to finish. It relies on the decision-making processes and behaviors of both producers and consumers, as well as the surrounding support system. Behavioral science, the science of how we make decisions, has invaluable practical insights for innovation on all fronts.

A Practitioner’s Guide to Leveraging Behavioral Insights

Many behavioral interventions offer win-wins to firms, governments, and other stakeholders. However, research has shown that experts do a poor job predicting the effectiveness of behavioral interventions. This article aims to help calibrate forecasts of an intervention's effectiveness. I outline six steps to help assess whether a published effect is likely to be useful in practice.

More Conversions With Social Media Targeting: Lessons From Behavioral Biology

Targeting the right customers with the right message is one of the most established strategic goals in marketing. However, traditional approaches to targeting can often end up being ineffective and sometimes even harmful to brands. In this article, we discuss a framework for social media targeting based on insights from behavioral biology.

The Psychology of Debt Collection

More and more people struggle with debt, and while people differ in their motivations, preferences, and their reasons not to pay, debt collection practices rarely take these factors into account. Using psychological insights, debt collection can be made more debtor-friendly and effective. The results: increased repayments for companies and a lower financial burden for consumers.

Behavioral Segmentation in Marketing: How to Increase Conversions

Market segmentation is a valuable strategic tool in marketing. How to properly do segmentation is, however, not widely known. In this article, I lay out the principles of segmentation and provide a step-by-step guide.

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